How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Blog?

Are you planning to fulfill your lifelong passion for blogging and finally make a website? If yes, then we know that you are struggling to find the right and perfect domain name for your blog. 

The domain name is indeed the most important factor contributing to your blog’s growth and success. It will be the identity, the first impression, and the crux of your blog. Therefore, it is essential to choose the name wisely.

We understand that you might be confused and overwhelmed about how to choose the right domain name that will bring you more and more rankings. This is why we are sharing five incredible tips below to give you some assistance. By the end of this post, you will already have the best name in mind. Read on!

1. Keep it Short and Simple

Keeping it short and simple is the key to having a perfect domain name. People easily forget long domains and may also misspell the words if they are too complex. Therefore, we would recommend you never to cross 20 characters while picking a domain name.

Also, keep the words simple, easy to spell, and easy to type. Here are a few ideas and examples of short and simple domain names, including some top brands in the world:


2. Use Related Keywords

Keyword optimization is an essential factor when you want growth and increased traffic for your website. Using keywords related to your niche in your domain name also helps the visitors understand what your blog is about. It will also help in improving the SEO of your website. For example, if you have a food blog, your domain name can be or

Similarly, if you have a tech blog, you can choose a domain name like or This way, whenever someone searches with the keyword ‘food,’ your blog is more likely to appear higher in search results! However, try not to stuff your domain name with keywords too. Balance is the key!

3. Avoid Numbers, Slang, and Hyphens

The most common mistake people make while choosing a domain name is adding numbers, slang, and hyphens – don’t do that! People will quickly forget the placement of numbers and hyphens, especially if you verbally tell them your blog name. For example, if your domain name contains the number ‘3’, people will be confused about what to type, 3 or three?

The same is true with hyphens; they can be tough to remember and, honestly, annoying and unpleasant, too. Moreover, try avoiding slang like writing ‘u’ instead of ‘you,’ ‘r’ instead of ‘are,’ and ‘y’ instead of ‘why.’ Anything that has the potential to confuse the readers, you need to ditch in your domain name. 

4. Be Creative and Brandable

We will always recommend you opt for creative and brandable domain names instead of generic ones. You will have to pick out something so unique that it captivates the reader’s attention, and they will never forget your domain name. Similarly, your domain name should be more brand-oriented than ordinary and generic.

Domain names like,, and are generic and won’t stand out or catch people’s attention. In fact, you should use your company name and words that people have never heard before. This is what Google did, Skype did, Amazon did, and Yahoo did. If you have a simple blog and are not selling anything, you can still be brandable by opting for domain names like or

5. Don’t Forget to Research

Ultimately, it is very important to do thorough research before finalizing a domain name you have in mind. Before registering, do trademark research to see if any other person has a similar domain name. Doing this will help you stand out from the rest and also avoid potential copyright claims in the future. 

You can also search up your potential domain name on Google and see if there is any website, Facebook page, or Twitter or Instagram account with a similar name. If you find something similar, we recommend you opt for a different domain name to keep your blog super authentic and unique. You can even take the help of various online tools to create an original and memorable domain name. 

Final Words

Choosing a domain can be overwhelming and tedious, but being wise during the process can make it much easier for you. Your blog’s domain name will define your personality, so be thoughtful while choosing one, follow the tips we mentioned above, and kickstart your blog asap!

Uswa Iftikhar Written by: