Top 6 Online Businesses to Start for Under $1,000

You don’t necessarily need thousands of dollars to start a business. The good news is that the internet has opened unlimited opportunities to start a business with the least capital. With online businesses, you don’t need an office, many employees, and physical goods or materials to begin with. 

You can run your entire business as a sole proprietor from the comfort of your home. You don’t have to pay office rent, utility bills, and salaries or commit vast sums of money to buy goods or raw materials. 

As you scale your online business, you can outsource your business processes to online freelancers instead of hiring permanent employees. All you need to start your internet-based business is a skill you can sell, a computer, and an internet connection. 

Without further ado, let’s have a look at the top 6 online businesses you can start for under $1,000. 

1. Website Designing

When we think of web designers, instantly, our minds think of coding, designing, and SEO knowledge. While these technical skills are essential, they should not be the starting point. All it takes to be a web designer is a laptop and an internet connection. 

If you have business development skills, you can even start your web designing business without technical skills. But how can you go about it? Well, you can outsource your projects to freelance web designers online through websites like Upwork, Fiverr, Guru, and other freelance websites. 

A web design company has extremely low start-up costs, so much so that you can start it for as low as $100. It is not the money that is the hump to get over, but one needs to stand out in this field if they intend to gradually earn seven-figure income from their business. 

Attention to detail, creativity, and customer service are the key components of a successful web designing business. 

2. Accounting Services

If you’re an accountant who is tired of working a 9-5 job, it is a good idea to sell your services online from the comfort of your home office. Providing accounting services online does not involve mundane business meetings that run from 9-5. 

All it takes to run your accounting business is fast, convenient, and fruitful online communication. If you’re not an accountant already, you have to first work on your accounting skills. It is a good idea to enroll in a certification program to get started. 

3. Matchmaking Service

Don’t be too quick to judge. A matchmaking service does not only relate to personal relationships. It can be in the form of matching businesses and individuals with any service that they need. Companies often need different expertise, which is where someone who runs a matchmaking service will come in to assist. 

The best part is that this business does not even require meeting face to face, and that is what makes it low cost. An interested individual simply needs to set up a website where potential businesses in need of services can contact the experts who want to sell their expertise. All it needs is yet again a laptop and internet. 

4. Tech Support  

Tech support online businesses require some running around; however, it can be operated from virtually anywhere, even the comfort of one’s own home. 

Setting up a tech support business would require some know-how of the field, but that is also why it is a niche field and a lucrative way to make money. But, keep in mind that you would have to be available to your customers for most of the day.

5. Editorial Service

In this day and age, where almost all correspondence takes place over emails, there is a greater need for professionals who can edit such material. If you’re interested in setting up such a business, you could create software that auto edits, or you could outsource it to freelancers or do it yourself. 

The best part about this is perhaps that there is no fixed amount that you have to charge. Your costs can vary according to the complexity of the material and the time and effort it requires to be edited. 

6. Digital Marketing and PR

As the name suggests, this business only needs a laptop, internet, and the ability to maintain relationships with clients. Suppose you’re an individual with some knowledge of marketing and publicity. In that case, you can conveniently take those skills and start a business. 

Since this business is entirely remotely operated, one can work from any part of the world. The vital aspect to consider is ensuring that the clients feel safe because nothing is tangible. They should not feel like they might be hung out to dry at points. 

Kamran Ahmed Written by:


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